- ♪ Give me the Bible ♪ >>Today we are blessed with a wonderful gift from God, the Bible. This book is God's living word. In its pages, we are told, "For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword." It is in this book of books that we find the answers to all of men's questions and need. This morning, your area churches of Christ welcome you to a program committed to that perfect law of liberty. ♪ Shining, Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way ♪ >>As we present "The Living Word." ♪ Precept and promise, law and love combining ♪ ♪ Till night shall vanish in eternal day ♪ >>Now here is your host, Ray Sullins. ♪ Give me- ♪ >>In Proverbs 17:7 we read, "Excellent speech is not becoming to a fool." Do we strive to have excellent speech today? Let me welcome you to "The Living Word Program." on this, the Lord's Day morning. And it's always an honor and privilege to have you with us, and we thank you that you have chosen to give this time to your Creator that we might engage in the things of God such as singing songs of praise and the study of His holy word. Let's all do our own part to make this time acceptable in His sight and do those things which are according to what He commands in the Bible. And as we begin our offering to God this day, will you bow with me before His throne in prayer. Our God and Father in Heaven we are again thankful for this life, the great blessings of life and the great privilege that we have to know that all blessings come from You. And Father, we know that You've given us everything spiritually and we also are thankful for all of our spiritual gifts, especially the greatest of all gifts, the death, burial, and Resurrection of Your Son, Jesus, which now allows us to be able to be found justified in Your sight and to do those things which are always according to Your will, which is revealed to us in Your word, the Bible. Father, we also ask this day that You might help us to be focused and to give You our very best in spirit and truth, that we might always worship You in a way that pleases You in everything. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. This morning we want to begin our songs of praise by singing a song that reminds us of the price that we pay as the faithful. In fact, we need to be those who are ready and willing to understand that there is a cost to being a faithful child of God. So at this time, won't you join in with the congregation as we sing together "Have You Counted the Cost?" ♪ There's a line that is drawn by rejecting our Lord ♪ ♪ Where the call of His Spirit is lost ♪ ♪ And you hurry along ♪ ♪ With the pleasure-mad throng ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost if your soul should be lost ♪ ♪ Though you gain the whole world for your own ♪ ♪ Even now it may be that the line you have crossed ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ You may barter your hope of eternity's morn ♪ ♪ For a moment of joy at the most ♪ ♪ For the glitter of sin ♪ ♪ And the things it will win ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ If your soul should be lost ♪ ♪ Though you gain the whole world for your own ♪ ♪ Even now it may be that the line you have crossed ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ While the door of His mercy is open to you ♪ ♪ E'er the depth of His love you exhaust ♪ ♪ Won't you come and be healed ♪ ♪ Won't you whisper, I yield ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ If your soul should be lost ♪ ♪ Though you gain the whole world for your own ♪ ♪ Even now it may be ♪ ♪ That the line you have crossed ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ >>Have you ever played that game before where you sit in a group and at one end someone whispers something in the ear of the person next to them, and then that person also whispers what they heard to the person next in line? What happens when you get to the end? You know well, some crazy sentence or phrase that is not even remotely similar to what was started with is what was understood. When I think about this game, I often think about how important words are in life. Not only words but also how we say those words, how they are perceived, and also how they are received by others. As Christians, we must realize how important it is to say what we mean and to mean exactly what we say in a very clear way. It really does matter what we say and how we say it. Let's go to the Book of Colossians there in chapter four and verse six where Paul said this, "Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one." There are several points made here which I would like to expound on. First, we see that grace is necessary and proper speech. This would mean that we are really to think about what we say because what we say we have to say in the right way that we might extend grace to others who hear it. That means that we show them favor whether they deserve it or not, that we also treat others in the way that we would want to be treated with our speech and with our words. The next thing that Paul mentions is a speech that is seasoned with salt. Well, if you're like me, you probably like salt a lot, and maybe you even use too much, especially on watermelon because it tastes good and it enhances the flavor of all sorts of food. Well, Paul told the Colossians that their speech should have the same effect. It should encourage, it should enhance, and it should even build up, not hurt, harm, or tear down. Notice a similar statement that was made also by Paul to the Ephesian church when he said, "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." That's in chapter four and verse 29 of that book. Again, what do we learn? Our speech must be for good and must do good. Finally, he stated that our speech must be with consideration of how we ought to answer others. Again, showing the need to think about what we say and that what we're going to say might again accomplish the purpose best possible that we desire to accomplish with the words that we speak, and ultimately, again, those things which are pleasing to God. And so we must ask, are we really using our speech in a way that honors and glorifies God? And do the things that we say encourage and help those around us and extend favor to them whether they deserve it or not? Brethren and friends, may we all strive to be more careful with our words and only speak those things which are according to the oracles of God. This morning we'll continue our series, which is called "The Works of the Flesh." Our specific topic today will deal with dissensions so please continue with us this morning, and after our next song together, I will return and lead us in this study from God's word. As for now, as time to return to our songs of praise. The name of the next hymn is "I Bring My Sins to Thee" ♪ I bring my sins to Thee ♪ ♪ The sins I cannot count ♪ ♪ That all may cleansed be in Thy once opened Fount ♪ ♪ I bring them, Savior, all to Thee ♪ ♪ The burden is too great for me ♪ ♪ The burden is too great for me ♪ ♪ I bring my grief to Thee ♪ ♪ The grief I cannot tell ♪ ♪ No words shall needed be ♪ ♪ Thou knowest all so well ♪ ♪ I bring the sorrow laid on me ♪ ♪ O, suffering Savior, all to Thee ♪ ♪ O, suffering Savior, all to Thee ♪ ♪ My life I bring to Thee ♪ ♪ I would not be my own ♪ ♪ O, Savior, let me be Thine ever, Thine alone ♪ ♪ My heart, my life, my all I bring ♪ ♪ To Thee, my Savior and my King ♪ ♪ To Thee, my Savior and my King ♪ >>We're so glad you've continued with us this day as we now go to God's word and look at another one of the works of the flesh. I think we've had a good series so far together, and it's a more lengthy series, but certainly it's important sometimes to really dig in and to look at a lot of these words that we might be much more cautious in understanding them well, to not engage in such things that would keep us from the kingdom of God what are considered those things that are not according to our proper walk in the Spirit of God. We can't bear the fruit of God if we're not demonstrating the characteristics of God. And so certainly those things we've been looking at in this series have nothing to do with the character of God and everything to do with the character of the world or even Satan. And so today what we will do is we'll look again there in verse 20 and 21 to again remind ourselves that the warning is clear that we can't practice or do these things or we will not inherit the kingdom of God. But our word, specific word today is found in verse 20 after he mentions there "idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambition," and then it says, "dissensions." When we think about the idea of division or being divided from others, certainly the word that is used here is a very interesting and specific word in the original language. In fact, it's so specific that it is only used two times in the Bible, the form of this word and the word itself. If you'll think with me there and look at the definition, even looking specifically at what we find here in Galatians 5, it means to stand apart. It infers the concept of a separation between two for reasons that are not good or justified. In fact, we might even say it is a separation or a standing apart of two individuals for the wrong reasons. In other words, that someone gets angry or mad at someone else and they simply no longer have anything to do with that person. And maybe that person didn't even mean to do what they did, to say what they said. Maybe they didn't even understand that their actions or words offended the other person. And yet what happens? Somebody never speaks to them again, literally avoids them. And we've all seen this perhaps in our congregation. Sometimes where I preach at the Kansas Expressway Church of Christ, we'll say we have a North side congregation and a South Side congregation. We kind of say it in a joking way because we say, "Well, if you don't like somebody, you can, you know, sit way away from them and go out the doors on the other side." Well, certainly we might say that in a joking way, but nothing could be more far from what God wants. And really not according to the will of God because division or dissensions are certainly contrary to the will of God. Now, to really understand this better, then, we're going to leave the text here in Galatians 5 because I think we've really looked at a lot the idea in Galatians 5 of the fact that really to me explains it all. If you do these things, you will not, if you practice these things, you will not, you cannot inherit the kingdom of God. But I'd like to go back to the Book of Romans. In the Book of Romans, we find the other occurrence of this specific word in the Greek. This word that means, again, to stand apart or to separate for the wrong reasons. What is this context? And in Romans telling us there chapter 16 and verse 17. And what I'd like to do first of all is let's just read several of these verses and then we're gonna draw some of the things out of these verses that show us what this type of division is really like, what it's considered as by God and what is the outcome of such. So look with me again in the text there, Romans 16:17 says, "Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions," there's the word, "and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you learned and even avoid them. For those who are such do not serve the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies, and by soothing words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple." Well, there are so many things discussed here and so many ideas brought forward it's really hard to kind of know almost where to start. But one of the statements that really jumps out at me is, to serve the Lord. You know, if I were to ask most people today and especially those who might consider themselves as Christians, "Do you serve the Lord?" They'd "Well, sure I serve the Lord." Well, notice that he makes a statement here. "These are those who do not serve the Lord Jesus." People who would think that they are followers of God who actually might attend services, people who have been obedient to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who are Christians, and yet what is the outcome? The outcome is clear. They do not serve Jesus. So now let's look at the problem within the context. The first thing that he says is that you have to be able to recognize, to note. The fact is, is that usually you don't have to study too hard or too long to know a divisive person, someone who's involved in dissension. In most of our lives, we know those who are very divisive. We know those at work who are divisive. We know those who are troublemakers. We know even those in the church at times, unfortunately, who are divisive people who like to cause trouble, who like to stir the pot. Oh, ungodly, what an ungodly spirit. What an ungodly attitude. But he says, "Note, recognize those who cause division." How do I properly deal with, how do I properly respond to someone who is doing what is wrong if I don't acknowledge and note and understand that what they're doing is wrong? Well, how do I know it's wrong? It's contrary to the word of God. If they're trying to cause division, if they're trying to separate others and to separate and really make people to fall apart or out of relationships for all the wrong reasons, then they are those who should be recognized. So are we aware of those who choose sin? We're not talking about someone who makes a mistake here and there. What about the one who chooses sin? Do we sometimes choose sin? Do we know those who choose sin, who actually are divisive and who offend others knowingly on purpose? I think that's another very interesting thing about Galatians 5, and here these divisive persons aren't doing it because they're ignorant or they don't get it or they don't understand. They're doing it usually because they choose. They want to create that response. They want those results. They want to be ugly. They want to harm others. They want to separate. You see, that is the problem with most of these sins of the flesh. It's not just something that, oh, I messed up. God, forgive me and I'm gonna try to correct that and move on. It's things that people have chosen. They've dug in. Like last week, the selfish, they've decided to seek self rather than God. See, they're dug in. They've already made their decision. Well, here we find the same, those who cause divisions and offenses. Now, what's the standard? How do I know that I'm doing something contrary to God or being divisive in something that is not according to the will of God? And how do I know, as we see here that I'm doing that which is offensive, not according to the will of God? Well, I have to know the will of God. Guess what the very same verse says. He says, "Those who cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine of God," contrary to. So where is the doctrine of God? The Scriptures. What is the doctrine of God? It is the word of God. How do we know that? Well, we learned in Titus 2:1 that he was challenged there by Paul, that is, Titus to maintain or hold fast those things that were according to sound doctrine and to preach and proclaim those to others. Over in the Book of 2 John 9 it says, again, to mark or note those who are preaching or teaching or engaging in things contrary to sound doctrine or that are according to sound doctrine. One means that we have a fellowship with God, a relationship, and one means we don't. So how do I know that doctrine? You know all the word doctrine means in the New Testament? It's actually translated teachings, the teachings. Where do you learn the teachings of God? The word of God, the Bible. That's the only place I know of that really we learned what was actually delivered by inspiration, and all Scripture is inspired of God so therefore we know the teachings, the doctrine of God. But now I want you to notice the next thing that he said. He says, "Note, recognize those who" do what? Those who are divisive, those who offend, not according to, again, the doctrine of God. And then he says, "And avoid them." Avoid them. You know what happens if you get down with the pig in the mud? You're gonna get muddy. You're gonna get dirty. You know what happens when you engage and you get around people and you keep having friends who like to commit sin and you're gonna continue to just say, "Well, I'll go, but I'm not gonna..." Well, you're gonna get dirty with that sin. You're eventually going to be a part of that sin. And whether you're engaged in it directly, you're condoning it and you're going along with it. You see, again, those who do such, those who choose to be divisive and to offend should be noted and avoided. Well, what does that tell us? If we could only begin to learn the pattern that God gave, even what we learned back in Matthew 18 of how we go to a brother that has sinned against us. We might be able to help that person to be saved. We might be able to do what Jude challenges in his book, snatch them out of the fire because they've chosen sin. They're serving Satan. Well, you see, they're not serving God. We've already learned there. We mentioned a moment ago in verse 18, they don't serve the Lord. They don't serve the Lord. Those who are divisive and who offend, those who we recognize as such by noting them and avoid, we have to do it because they don't serve God. Who do they serve? Theirselves. We just looked at selfish ambition again in Galatians 5, "But they serve their own belly." They serve their own belly. And guess what their objective is. Not only to be self-seeking and serve self, even in the face of harming others and being divided and separated from others for the wrong reasons contrary to the doctrine of God, but according to their own desires and wants. But the final thing that he says here is that they also strive to deceive others. And isn't that the saddest part of all? You know, it's one thing to be worthless and to be a divisive person and to choose to sin yourself and to know that by doing such, you're going to send yourself to hell because there's no darkness in heaven where God is. It's one thing for you to choose that. It's another thing for you to serve yourself and to be self-seeking and to say, well I'm gonna do it because that's what I want. That's what I enjoy. That's what I feel. You know, if you wanna harm yourself, you wanna do things to yourself, you might have that right, you might have that choice but what about when you harm the weak, the simple, you deceive the hearts of the simple? Brethren, that's why, that's why when we see individuals in the church, in the world who are behaving like the world, are in sin, those who cannot inherit the kingdom of God because they are divisive, because they are striving to offend, when we see that we have to avoid them because we want to encourage the simple and the weak also to avoid those who would drag them into the muddy pit or into the quagmire there of sin to where they no longer can get, almost like quicksand. You see, again, what type of servants of God are we? Do we acknowledge? Do we acknowledge that we cannot? We cannot partake in a divisive nature. And do we acknowledge those who do? And are we warning ourselves and others to watch out for those types of people so that we might always be pleasing to God? And as those who are pleasing to God, we know the rewards of God. So I challenge you today to know the fruit of the Spirit to avoid the works of the flesh, and to understand by doing so, you will receive the reward in the end. ♪ The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases ♪ ♪ The Lord never ceases ♪ ♪ His mercies never come to an end ♪ ♪ His mercies never come to an end ♪ ♪ They are new every morning ♪ ♪ Great is Thy faithfulness ♪ ♪ The Lord is my portion says my soul ♪ ♪ Therefore I will hope in Him ♪ ♪ The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases ♪ ♪ The Lord never ceases ♪ ♪ His mercies never come to an end ♪ ♪ His mercies never come to an end ♪ ♪ They are new every morning ♪ ♪ Great is Thy faithfulness ♪ ♪ The Lord is my portion says my soul ♪ ♪ Therefore I will hope in Him ♪ ♪ Therefore I will hope ♪ ♪ Therefore I will hope ♪ ♪ In Him ♪ >>Again, let me thank you for choosing to be with us this morning. I hope we've all been encouraged in our time spent together, and I'd like to encourage you to join us every Sunday morning at 7:30 as we gather for the same purpose, to be encouraged and to focus on those things that are according to the will of God itself as we worship Him. But for now let me ask if you have any questions or comments about today's lesson. Maybe you'd like a free transcript or a free CD or DVD of the program, or possibly we could assist you with free Bible materials or free Bible correspondence courses. No matter what your need is, please feel free to contact us at the following address. The Living Word, 2540 North Kansas Expressway Springfield, Missouri 65803. Many of these items are also available on our website. That address, TheLivingWordProgram.com or if you prefer, you may call us at 417-869-2284. God has clearly shown us in His word that being divisive is a sin. So we need to be those who learn to get along with others and those who, again, create what God wants us to create as far as unity rather than division. If you're guilty of being divisive today, why not repent and strive to be more like God? For as we have learned, divisiveness is a sin. >>Our prayer is to help the world know more about God through this television program. "The Living Word" has been brought to you under the oversight of the Elders of the Kansas Expressway Church of Christ in Springfield, Missouri, with the assistance of the following area churches of Christ. ♪ To seek and save the lost ♪ ♪ Give me the Bible, holy message shining ♪ ♪ Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way ♪ ♪ Precept and promise, law and love combining ♪ ♪ Till night shall vanish in eternal ♪